Black & White Beach Scenes
Along the southern California coastline.
I’m not sure why it has soothed me to make black and white images like these, but it has. The original photographs were all taken in the last three years in various towns dotting southern California’s coastline. They were not taken in black & white. That is a practice I would like to try someday, but I haven’t done it yet. These images have all been digitally edited, some more so than others. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I do!
© Lindsay Lonai Linegar 2019,
All Rights Reserved
Lindsay Linegar is a writer living in her home state, California. Her educational background is in International Development (MA), Psychology (BA), and she has significant experience working as a creativity coach. She currently finds herself thrilled to be a dog walker and yoga student as she works on her first book, based on her three-year adventure in South Sudan. She loves making meaningful connections with humans, wondering at nature, doodling, listening to good music, and more than anything, dancing. Stay connected to her creative journey here.