How To Make Better Use of Your Journal
I recently mailed a journal to a friend.
We’d been having a conversation for some time about journaling. During one of our recent conversations, I felt moved to mail her a new one. When it arrived, she thanked me and asked me again to help her make the best use of the gift.
This is her concern when it comes to journaling:
“My biggest problem when I have tried to journal is that I end up making it into a to-do list, or just complaining … I have hopes that what I write in the journal are (things) like how I spotted a male Rose-breasted Grosbeak this morning, at the bird-feeder — things like that.”
How to make better use of your journal
First of all, it’s not bad to complain or make to-do lists! In fact, Julia Cameron and Natalie Goldberg both give compelling reasons why you should “complain”. Julia Cameron calls it a “brain drain”. I have done this type of journaling, and try to keep it up daily because it really does help! It’s the cheapest therapy besides dancing I’ve ever tried. And guess what? You can shred or burn the pages afterward if you want to.
But my friend, for one, wants alternate ideas. And I, for one, like to incorporate multiple practices into my journaling.
So. Start with the bird. If a bird moves you, open your journal and write about it. Why did the bird grab your attention? What was it about the bird you enjoyed? What did the bird look like, sound like, act like? Do you like birds in general? What is it about birds you like? Has a bird ever pooped on your head?
Paying attention to things you notice in nature is one great place to focus, if you want to make better use of your journal.
Here are three more points of focus to try:
Ok, how many times can we say, hear, see, read, write, talk about gratitude?! As many times as it takes.
Gratitude is the difference between being grumpy about a leaky spot in your roof, and being thankful for all the other parts of the roof that don’t leak. It’s the difference between being bored by another serving of rice and beans, and being thankful you were able to eat a meal today.
While there is plenty to complain about, and complaining has its place, there is also much to be grateful for in life!
There are SO MANY THINGS to be grateful for. Look around and find them. Listen closer to hear them. Breathe deeper to smell them. Pause a moment to feel them. Then pick up your journal and speak them through your pen.
“This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.” ~Maya Angelou
Noticing a Rose-breasted Grosbeak is a great example of paying attention to beauty.
What are some beautiful things you’ve noticed lately? What are some beautiful things you’ve seen in your neighborhood? What beautiful sounds have you heard coming from nature lately? Have there been any beautiful moments between you and another human lately? What do you find beautiful about your loved ones?
On a different note, what kind of beauty can you create with your own two hands? Can you draw something beautiful in your journal? Can you doodle something beautiful? Can you write a beautiful haiku about the wind blowing through the trees?
Beauty is all around. Take note of it. Write about it in your journal. Create it yourself.
Not everyone believes in God and that’s fine by me. I think God is fantastic. I want to hang out with God forever.
One of my favorite pieces of literature comes from the Bible. And I know I may be losing those who don’t believe in the Bible or God, but I think this verse is pretty sweet no matter what you believe:
“The light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out.” ~John 1:5, The Message
When I lived in South Sudan, these words took on a whole new meaning for me. I was forced to look for the light, really, for the first time in my life. I was surrounded by the darkness of war.
No matter how dark something seems, there is always light. I believe that to my core. And I’m not just talking darkness as in “I can’t pay my bills this month”. I’m talking darker.
Violence, disease, corruption. Struggling marriage, death in the family, depression, trauma. I’ve personally experienced all of these. And yet, I still see light. Why? Because I look for it. It’s one of the greatest coping mechanisms I’ve ever stumbled on.
Where do you see light in your life? Journal about that.
Lindsay Linegar is a writer living in her home state, California. Her educational background is in International Development (MA), Psychology (BA), and she has significant experience working as a creativity coach. She currently finds herself thrilled to be a dog walker and yoga student as she works on her first book, based on her three-year adventure in South Sudan. She loves making meaningful connections with humans, wondering at nature, doodling, listening to good music, and more than anything, dancing. You can reach her through email at